I siste utgave av det annerkjente bladet The Economist, så står det en artikkel om selskapet Agloco. Nedenunder er et sammendrag på Engelsk;
“Yet another example, established by a group of Stanford graduates, is Agloco. ‘Advertisers, search providers and online retailers are paying billions to reach you while you surf,’ says its website. ‘How much of that money are you getting? You deserve a piece of the action.’ Like AttentionTrust, Agloco is based on a browser plug-in that tracks users’ online activity and then uses this information to allow advertisers to target people with specific interests. Agloco promises to return 90% of ad revenue, sales commissions and other income to its users. In a further twist, those who recruit other users get a cut of the revenue, too. Akshay Mavani of Agloco says the firm is on target to sign up 10m users by July.”